Slave for life

In the early morning, they come to get you out of your cage. One by one.

This morning ? You don’t know if it is the morning. The light is always on inside the warehouse where you are locked from... from how many times ?

They have hanged you on the elevator, upside down, before flogging you for a long time. To tender the meat.

While you jolts with the pain, hanged on the hook, you just manage to utter some harsh cries, some poor moanings.

Your vocal chords are broken because you cried so much of pain. Guards do not deign to gag you.

As usual they rape you, playing with your huge breasts, pouring out on your belly, in your anus, masturbating in the fatty folds deforming your body.

Then they have harshly tied your wrists and your elbows. Your ankles too.

Then they have harshly tied your wrists and your elbows. Your ankles too.

You do nothing. You do not react. For a long time, your body does not obey. Too fat, too swollen by dint of food, by dint of force-feeding

With that gruel, mixture of honey, marmalade and flour.

Your thoughts are confused, disconnected.

The electroshocks accompanying the force-feedind session have turned you into a poor you a poor decerebrated thing.


You barely remember that you were a beautifull woman, in her thirties, with perfect mensurations.

Now... when a flash of consciousness lights on your electroshocks ravaged mind, you know that you look like like a big sow.

A sow promised to be slaughtered.

Not a sow. Muslims do not eat pork.

A fat cow.

Or just an obese slave.

And the end is for today. The guards have spoken about a mechoui. You know that you are going to finish, living spitted in this forgotten arabic peninsula emirat .
It does not matter. You are resigned and nearly happy to finishing with that.

All that. All that living hell.

You remember your abduction. There such a long time. The collector entering your apartment.

The zapper dazing you, the ankle chain.

The long journey inside a wooden crate, tied, gagged.

The chloroform pad tapped on your nose.

The sharp piece of wood where you are sat down and that sheared off your sex making you pain screaming.

And that first time when they transported you just as goods.

A merchandise that was cleaned, examinated, measured.



A merchandise prepared, made-up (a nearly indelelible make-up), dressed with clothes showing more that they hid.

The left ear of the merchandise pierced and labeled TESTED & PASSED, good for sale.

A merchandise exposed for the sale.

They threw you out of the great cage, to force you to climb the auction platform.

In front of you, men looked at you, touched you as cattle are sized up.

and selected before buying.


... to be continued ...